Bringing consistency to CVS Group websites

We have been working with leading veterinary company CVS Group for more than three years.

Our first major pieces of work for CVS was to help them around the digital strategy for their practice division.

CVS owns over 500 veterinary surgeries throughout the UK, Netherlands and Republic of Ireland.

We were asked to update the look and feel of the websites for these surgeries and bring a look and feel consistency across the approach.

Once the creative approach was approved by CVS our first job was to create 15 websites for surgeries which previously had not built a presence online.

We developed the sites in a WordPress multi-site platform approach which would give the central web team at CVS control over the sites but enable them to give admin or editor permissions to people working in the respective practices.

We then set about refreshing across the project a significant number of other practice websites which had inconsistent look and feel and functionality.

Finally we created a way that the central web team at CVS could deploy new sites by themselves from the multi-site platform.

CVS Group plc is one of the leading veterinary services providers in the UK and owns over 500 veterinary surgeries throughout the UK, Netherlands and Republic of Ireland. It also employs more than 1800 vets and more than 2300 nurses. In the UK it comprises four main business areas; veterinary practices, diagnostic laboratories, pet crematoria and an e-commerce division. At year-end 2019 CVS revenue was £406.5m.

View example websites:

Old Golfhouse Veterinary Group

The Grove Veterinary Hospital and Clinics

Alnorthumbria Veterinary Group

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